
My two children have been going to Tinker Bell for the past 5 years. My older son, now 7, began going when he was 2-1/2 and I was so pleased with Tinker Bell that my younger son began going as soon as he was 2 and is now in the four year old program.

Tinker Bell offers structure for the children and teaches them how to interact with other children, but the most important thing to me as a parent is they are loved.

Tinker Bell has wonderful educational programs. I was deliberating between sending my now 7 year old to kindergarten at Tinker Bell or to the school where
he would be attending the first grade. I decided to keep him at Tinker Bell and I have no regrets. His first grade teacher informed me my son was more than
ready for the first grade and is doing well in school. I have no doubt where my now 4 year old will be attending kindergarten; it will definitely be Tinker Bell.

As a parent, it is comforting to know that my children have been taken care of, educated and loved. After my younger son completes kindergarten next year, I
know I will miss the relationships that have been formed over the past years with the Tinker Bell staff.

Crystal R.

I just wanted to send a friendly email and let you all know how grateful I am that Kaylee Cecil attended Tinkerbell from age 3 to 5.  It was a tough decision to switch her up and put her into Nansemond Suffolk Academy.

I wanted to let you know that Kaylee is in the top 3 of her Kindergarten class.  She’s doing really well, and they are very impressed with her reading skills, and all I have to thank is Tinkerbell and how you all work with the kids on preparing them for Grade School.

She still talks about Tinkerbell and how she cannot wait to see you all in the summer.

Thanks again so much for making Kaylee’s experience there a memorable one.   Practically every night she is playing “teacher” in her room, and what does she have in her hands “showing the class?” Tinkerbell’s Yearbooks. J
I hope you are all doing well-we miss coming there every day!

Leigh C.

My husband and I began looking for preschool for our 2 boys almost a year ago. We had heard wonderful things about Tinker Bell from other parents and decided to visit. From the moment I stepped in to the building, I felt a sense of peace. Speaking with multiple teachers, I could tell how passionate they were about their positions with Tinker Bell. As a family with two working parents, you want to find a special place for your children to grow and learn. We certainly found that at Tinker Bell .We started both in the summer program in 2014 and haven’t looked back!

We have Brandon in the K-4 program and Logan in the K-3 program this year. It was a no brainer to have Brandon move on to the private Kindergarten and for Logan to continue to K-4. The Christian based curriculum has been amazing and introduced my children to stories not yet covered in Sunday school. My sons have learned so much about fundamentals of phonics and it has been a pleasure to watch my oldest in the beginning stages of reading. The staff makes learning fun and exciting, which is important ground work to lay for children that are just beginning this journey.

I cannot say enough about the positive effects that Tinker Bell has had on my children. They know how to interact with their peers, they have structure, they have fun, they have respect for others, they enjoy going to school, they feel safe, they are learning and most importantly, they feel loved. The Tinker Bell staff LOVE my children and it shows. My boys light up when they see their teachers or even when we speak of them while reviewing our day. We pray for them each night as we are lying in bed, and they have developed long lasting relationships that will follow them through their remaining school days.

Tinker Bell is not just a school, it is a family. We are so extremely blessed to have been a part of it and cherish each memory we have made here. We certainly appreciate all that Tinker Bell has done for our children. Anyone that is looking for a wonderful place to watch your children turn in to exactly who they were meant to be needs to bring them to Tinker Bell Daycare.

Alan & Angie G.

When it was time to start planning for our child’s education at the ripe old age of 1 and a 1/2, we visited every daycare in Portsmouth and Western Branch. We had typed up a pros and cons list for each school to use as a tool to weigh our options. Tinkerbell was the last school we visited and to our surprise, your facility was the only one without any “cons.”

Over the last 4 years we have watched our son grow into a smart and polite young man. We have developed close relationships with his teachers each year, who truly treat him like their own, and we know that his well being and growth as a student is their utmost concern. Everyday day we are updated the good, along with the (sometimes) bad days he has had, and feel like we always have a set of eyes on him to ensure his safety and growth as a person.

What’s more to say? We have a five year old who is laying in bed reading books to us at night, answering math questions, and has already built more learning skills than we know we had at his age. We cannot wait to see how are young man grows throughout kindergarten next year!

We know, without a doubt, that choosing Tinkerbell for his early education has given him an advantage in his life going forward. It is without question the best money we have ever spent. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!

Chris & Lauren Gray