Our K5 Program at Tinker Bell Pre-School is balanced for every developmental facet. We provide a strong foundation in basic skills. Our goal is to make learning fun and engaging while providing an instructional approach based on individual needs. Most importantly while our program is geared toward academic excellence, we provide a nurturing environment while motivating each child to be the best they can be.
Language Arts
- Recognition of name, sound, and picture of long & short vowels, consonants, blends, one & two vowel words
- Phonics Rules and special sounds
- Reading sentences, developing speed in reading with accuracy and comprehension
- Memorizing poetry/ rhyming words
- Analogies/ comparisons/ opposites/ synonyms & antonyms
- Writing with phonics
- Formation of letters, blends, and words in manuscript and cursive
- Writing of first and last name
- Recognition of writing proper sentences with capital letters, periods, question marks or exclamation marks.
Foreign Language
- Spanish
- Plant Cycle/ Seeds
- 5 Senses
- Weather/ Seasons
- God’s Plan for Animals and Insects
- Earth & Space- Exploring Our World
- Gravity and Magnetism
- Recognition of numbers 1-100
- Concepts of numbers 1-20
- Before and After numbers 1-20
- Addition/ Subtraction
- Numbers largest to smallest
- Ordinal Numbers
- Telling Time
- Money: Value of penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar
- Calendar- Days, Months, Year
- Counting by two’s five’s, and ten’s to 100
Skills Development
- Coloring/ Cutting Skills
- Character Development
- Listening/ Thinking Skills
- Memorizing address and phone number
- Geometrical Shapes
- Health & Safety
Social Studies
- Community Helpers
- America “Our Great Country”
- Children of the World
Activity Time
- Drama
- Poetry & Finger play
- Music
- Art
- Show & Tell